We all have beliefs that limit our forward progress and growth. They hold us back, keep us STUCK, and slow us from achieving our dreams, our life goals and desires! These ingrained beliefs hold us back and once recognized (and “called out”) can be removed and replaced with a positive belief about what you want accomplished. It’s easy to say (and it is a ‘simple’ process), but it can be hard to implement a solution. At some point in the past, we made a decision to adopt a belief, a truth about ourselves, as a result of an experience we had. (This is completely natural. It’s the way life works.)

These adopted beliefs and truths started when we were toddlers with the desire to be noticed, to be seen, and as we got older the desire to be treated with respect, to receive the dignity we each deserve. Ring a bell?

That experience could have happened in our childhood and long forgotten, however, it is harbored/stored in our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind doesn’t care if the belief is right or wrong, true or false. If we’ve adopted it, it’s truth – our truth.

For example, when I was three years old my father had to close his restaurant business due to the woolen mills shutting down. Even though I consciously could not comprehend this financial crisis, I ‘absorbed’ and adopted it subconsciously in the form of believing that having your own business was bad and would lead to lack, limitation, and going broke. Another limiting belief stemming from that was that I will just get by in life and always be in debt. These are limiting beliefs that I had to resolve in order for change to take root. It’s a change in mindset!

Here’s another one. Do you: feel the need to constantly prove yourself? If we have the urge to justify who we are and what we believe in in order to be accepted by someone or a group, we are holding ourselves back seriously.

You don’t have to prove yourself; instead, focus on improving yourself. BIG difference!

Proving yourself focuses on the constant need for validation (seeking approval from others as well as yourself; keeping you stagnated and caring about how you look to others or what others may think of you) while improving yourself focuses on improvement (moving you forward and upward) a focus on you and your personal growth and development!

Stop proving who you are and Start being who you are!!

This is HUGE!!

It’s a mindset shift from validation to progress allowing you to see that you’re better today than you were yesterday.

This is incredibly powerful!

It is an extreme relief of anxiety and stress! You are no longer questioning your ability, your talent, and who you are. Goodbye self-doubt!

Is it time for you to get UNSTUCK? My “Freedom to Grow Coaching Program” is available to do just that. Tap the button below to get the conversation started.