The image above is a post I created on Instagram that shook my Soul to its core! It was a wakeup call to me that screamed “Well, Did You?” Of course, my answer was, not! At least not to my personal satisfaction. Sure, I’ve lived and enjoyed a wonderful life and have experienced love at its fullest. Have I made a difference? Probably at some level since some have told me their lives are better having known me.

 Here’s the thing…ask yourself a couple additional questions like,

“What’s the most important thing in my life?”

“Who AM I, really?”

“What am I capable of?”

“Why am I here?”

“What does it mean to me, to ‘Live’, ‘Love’, and ‘make a difference’?”

These are the questions I had to answer first in order to say yes to the 3 questions.

Of course, we all have different answers to all these questions which is why each one of us will be traversing this same path at some point in our lives. Everyone wants to succeed in life. Every person on Earth is trying to answer these questions right now…including the person that is sitting in your chair right now!

For me, it was an inner voice that said “hold the phone here buddy…you need to spend some time now – today on this subject! The longer you put it off, the more you’ll miss out on an extraordinary life! You’d better get busy Living. The downside will be you getting busy dying and that shouldn’t even be on the table! Let’s go!”

I didn’t need to hear any more. The decision was made…there will be no more excuses like it’s too late, I’m not good enough, it’s too hard, I don’t know what to do…STOP! GET OVER YOURSELF! It’s time for you to make a change!

The two most powerful forces on Earth are Time and Change. Why? They affect every human on the planet whether you are 9 or 99 years old, these 2 components affect you. If you have no money, if you have too much money, it doesn’t matter.

Change – it creates 4 types of dimensions:

  1. Change that happens to us
  2. Change that happens around us
  3. Change that happens within us
  4. Change (most important) we make happen.

Which one will rule your life?

When you answer the five “wicked hard” life questions, you will know your purpose and when you know your purpose you will never be fearful again…fear, doubt, worry, guilt, and shame will no longer exist as real enemies in your life. You will no longer fear losing something. You will no longer fear death! You will stop toggling back and forth between the two mindsets – Fear and Love – the former is a ‘fixed’ mindset attached to the lower levels of being – the ‘home’ of fear and anxiety; the latter is a ‘growth’ mindset residing in the Spiritual realm – the ‘home’ of Love, Peace, and Joy.

Sound Pollyannish? Maybe so to you at the moment, but if you give ‘it’ a chance, you will see that it’s really all part of Nature’s plan. All Life is a cycle of growth and deterioration. A building up and a tearing down. You are either growing or deteriorating – Living or Dying – and the good news is that it’s your choice how much time you will spend in each realm!

A second (and greatest) benefit to answering these questions carefully is FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Answering these questions will lead you to the TRUTH – YOUR TRUTH…and the TRUTH will set you FREE! These were the words of the Master, Jesus as he spoke “If you abide in my word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32. His teachings were solely meant to free you of the bonds and struggles that you and you alone have placed upon yourself over a lifetime of choices and consequences between living in the lower, physical realm of fear and anxiety and the Spiritual realm of Love, joy, beauty, freedom, and peace.

When you finally decide to live through your Spiritual ‘side’ of life, walking by faith vs. your own feeble and limited understanding, you will become conscious of the TRUTH and once grasped, Freedom and Liberty will follow. It’s a Promise from Nature; A Promise from the Universe; A Promise from God. A Promise from your Source. You decide what you call your Source.

A while back I read a book by Gregg Braden entitled “Deep Truth” where he posed some great questions that go right to the core of our being: “How can we know what choices to make until we answer the single question that lies at the heart of each and every choice: Precisely who are we?” Without answering this fundamental question, making life-altering decisions is like trying to enter a house without knowing where the door is. Sure, it’s possible to break through a window or knock down a wall but we’d damage the home in the process and maybe this is the perfect metaphor for the quandary we find ourselves in.

But there was a single question at the core of Life that set me on course of seeking the Truth: “Do you believe that there is one source for everything that happens in the world, or do you believe that there are two opposite and opposing forces – good and evil – one that “likes” you and one that doesn’t?”

Answering this question will shed light on your own personal Truth. One will set you free and the other will keep you bound in your own shackles.

In conclusion, the best ‘advice’ I ever pursued regarding seeking the Truth was simply – But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you – Matt 6:33. No one can teach you or tell you the Truth. You can’t get it from a book (you can read about it, but that’s only intellectual). It will not be unveiled to you until YOU seek it on your own, fervently and with true sincerity from your heart, in your own way. If that’s your only charge in life, I encourage you to stop/drop everything you are doing and find your personal Truth today – putting it off will only spawn regrets.