
The Art of Decision-Making

Decision-making is the cornerstone of all soft skills for an entrepreneur. While skills like communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, and adaptability are all vital, decision-making ranks at the very top because it directly influences every other skill and determines the trajectory of your business. Here’s why: 1. Decision-Making Drives Outcomes. 2. It Multiplies the Impact of […]


Your Transition Survival Guide

Career Transition Survival Guide ~ an Outline Your Roadmap to Confident Career Change Introduction Career transitions can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. This guide combines strategic planning with emotional resilience techniques to help you navigate your career change with confidence and clarity. Chapter 1: Assessing Your Current Situation Financial Reality Check Emotional


What is Keeping me From Being Myself?

You have a dream, a vision of who you are, who you want to be and what you want to accomplish in your life, but it’s still not clearly in focus. It’s foggy like something is missing. You’ve tried to put your finger on it, but it’s elusive…it’s like you’re ‘lacking’ something…something is missing… Here


There is no Expiration Date for Reinventing Yourself!

Remove Your Limiting Beliefs & Unlock Your Natural Abilities 14 things I’ve learned about How to Reinvent Yourself 1. You can. 2. You should reinvent yourself when a new passion overtakes your heart and imagination. 3. You must focus on WHAT COULD GO RIGHT, and not on what could go wrong, OR you’ll never reinvent


How Can I Think Differently Today?

The image above is a post I created on Instagram that shook my Soul to its core! It was a wakeup call to me that screamed “Well, Did You?” Of course, my answer was, not! At least not to my personal satisfaction. Sure, I’ve lived and enjoyed a wonderful life and have experienced love at


How to Stop Feeling Irrelevant and Embrace Life

by John P. Weiss I used to wonder if my Dad’s old truck had a soul. It certainly had character, with its dents, scuffs, and temperamental stick shift. Who knows what stories and exploits lay behind the truck’s dilapidated exterior. Dad was no longer a spring chicken when he bought the old truck. He used


Finding The Truth

On the other side of ego lies the Truth. When the ego succumbs and dies, a new being is born, resurrected from the ashes, all by the Grace of God. It is an individual experience, one that only you can have and own. Each person’s experience is different, but the end result is the same.

Business, Lifestyle

Top 10 Skills Recruiters Look For In Fresh College Graduates

Top 10 Skills Recruiters Look For In Fresh College Graduates BUSINESS, PERSONAL – Original Post September 14, 2021/BY JOSIAH BUSSING Fresh college graduates face the daunting task of launching their professional careers at the time of the new normal. The pandemic has affected economies around the world and the United States was not spared.  A 6.5% growth in


A Coaching Paradox

By Seth Godin, an American author and former dot com business executive. At the top tier of just about any sort of endeavor, you’ll find that the performers have coaches. Pianists, orators and athletes all have coaches. In fact, it would be weird if we heard of someone on stage or on the field who didn’t have



There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021. Manshen Lo By Adam Grant April 19, 2021 At first, I didn’t recognize the symptoms that we all had in common. Friends

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