The Traditional Path is the Path to Nowhere…Find YOUR OWN Path…

This is the voice of “HOPE” speaking to you…

If it’s Time to Find That HOPE, to Come Alive & Be Inspired toward Your Personal Greatness…You’ve Come to the Right Place!

If you want to create the “best version” of yourself, read this…

If you’re looking to find peace and joy in your life…freedom from landuishing and the “stuckness” and stress of your current situation, let’s collaborate together and Come Alive! Don’t forget, ALL “versions” of yourself already exist. Let’s choose the one you want to step into today!

Are you experiencing stagnation? Are you languishing, feeling stuck, or finding it hard to “let go”? Do you feel disconnected from “Life” too often, creating too many moments of anxiety and frustration? Are you confused about your purpose, wrestling with feelings of inadequacy or doubt, or questioning your worth and role in your Life’s plan?

If so, you are certainly not alone. We’ve all been there. Many times. I have spent more years in the “wilderness” of life than I care to say…however, and this is big, those years brought more wisdom to me than any other education I could possibly have had. There’s no greater teacher than your “Inner Spirit” presenting you with real life experiences. You will never truly understand life’s true meanings until it’s your turn. By that I mean, your turn be in the throes of suffering!

I’ve had my turn and it’s also my turn to humbly offer my years of experience in wrestling with the same things you are wrestling with – to jump into the “pit” with you – WHY would I do that? Because I know how to get out!

Hi, I’m Dean…

I am a Certified Life Coach helping ordinary people, business leaders, and professionals transform themselves, their careers, and their businesses into a “place” of growth, trust, and productivity. Once, feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and fearful about losing out on opportunities, I helped them get back on track and gain clarity on their purpose and why they got into their career choice to begin with. 

Your Life is about to change for the better…Forever…and it’s about time!

Why should You have a Coach or a Mentor?

Great question. Let’s say you want to go from point A to point B. You want to get there as fast as possible because time is of the essence. The problem is that you really are not sure how to get there. You need clarity and to go it alone may take twice as long at best. You know deep down that you need to get there NOW…ASAP! Help is here! That’s the advantage of a Coach and Mentor. All successful people have one or more.

Have you ever felt like life’s challenges were holding you back from reaching your true potential? Have you lost confidence in your unique abilities to get things done? I’ve been there. Fifteen years ago, I lost everything – my businesses, my identity, and my financial security. But that devastating experience became the catalyst for my greatest transformation, reinvention, and comeback. You too can “Bounce” back from anything! 

Through my Transformative Resilience Coaching Program, I help people who are:

  • Feeling Frustrated
  • Feeling Confused
  • Feeling they’re Not Worthy
  • Feeling They’re Not Good Enough
  • Feeling Called to Do More
  • Feeling Called to Be More
  • Feeling they Don’t Have Clarity on What it is
  • Feeling they Don’t Have Direction on What it is

Finally, through my transformational coaching program you will gain the Clarity, Direction, and the Confidence you’re looking for to set you on your path and purpose!

I help you turn your setbacks into comebacks. We’ll work together to unlock your inner strength, reframe your challenges, and develop practical strategies for success. In just weeks, you’ll gain the tools and mindset to not only bounce back from adversity but to thrive in ways you never thought possible. My journey is a raw and unfiltered testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It’s a reminder that your past doesn’t define your future or who you are, and with unwavering determination, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your dreams.

If you’re ready to transform your life, reinvent yourself, and discover the wealth of potential within you, let’s talk about how Transformative Resilience Coaching can help you write your own success story.

You may be asking yourself…

Do I want/need a Therapist or a “Life” Coach?

What’s the difference?


  • Focuses on mental health and emotional well-being
  • Addresses psychological issues and trauma
  • Uses therapeutic techniques based on psychological theories
  • Requires a license or advanced degree in psychology or counseling

Life Coach:

  • Focuses on goal-setting and personal development
  • Provides motivation, accountability, and action plans
  • Helps clients identify and overcome obstacles
  • No specific license or degree required (although certifications exist)

The choice between a therapist or a life coach depends on your specific needs and goals. If you are dealing with mental health concerns or past trauma, a therapist may be more appropriate. If you are seeking guidance and support to achieve personal or professional goals, a life coach could be a better fit.

My Credo

 Give Increase and Uplift to all with kindness; give hope; inspire untapped gifts; create indispensable value; show everyone I meet how to feel better about themselves.

As a “Life” Coach, I specialize in  

Personal Transformation

& Resilience


No one likes to struggle and suffer, especially if you see it as this huge burden with the feeling of being stuck with no where to go. Our greatest “teacher” is learning what we go through in the process of struggling. I learned the true value of suffering through a natural self-examination exercise that we all go through when life deals us an unexpected ‘blow.

The first thing I asked myself was why… why did this happen? Without delving too deep and getting too anal with my analysis, I needed to keep it simple. What decision did I make (the cause) to create that condition (effect). The answer came and it was clear that even though at the time it appeared to be the best and somewhat justifiable decision, it clearly was the wrong decision and it proved to be near fatal.

The next step was going to be crucial because my decisions going forward would determine the timeline, in other words how long would it take me to ‘get out’ of the quagmire I’d created and what the best way forward would be.

Unfortunately, I made the decision to condemn myself as an evil human being, not worthy of much, and a loser. This put me out into the wilderness of life, where I wandered around much longer than I thought I would have to and also not realizing that even though I felt separated from all things, my condition(s) were still within my control but I just couldn’t find the steering wheel.

This is where the ‘teaching’ and the ‘learning’ from experience enters center stage. Since everything happens for a reason, that reason must reveal a life lesson to be learned. When a life lesson is learned, it’s like an ‘ah ha’ moment which then becomes “Growth” to your soul. This is why struggling and suffering is so important in life – no struggle, no growth! no suffering, no growth! The next time you find yourself struggling, rejoice and know that the best is yet to come!

I spent over a decade in the wilderness, and I suspect since I am not much different than everyone else when  it comes to having feelings and emotions, I finally decided that my time of penance was up – the punishment (time spent in the wilderness) had fit the crime committed.

Hope, Faith, and Self-forgiveness

The process, once the initial ‘blow’ wears off a bit, begins with one word…HOPE. Hope doesn’t get the credit it deserves, but it is the only thing we have to grab onto when we have hit ‘rock bottom’. At this point we have a choice – do we choose PITY or do we choose HOPE? We can live without pity since it is a poor excuse for living, but without HOPE, we are sentenced to doom and gloom. So, embracing the truth of HOPE, we begin our grand ascent toward redemption and a new and better life! As we soar higher our HOPE turns to FAITH. Faith establishes a new belief and we begn to realize the value and need to forgive ourselves our own trespasses. FAITH is HOPE all grown up – you cannot become and adult without first being a child.

Forgive yourself and God will forgive you

So, Who Am I Now?


A Champion of your right to flourish – to Let Go of what’s holding you back and keeping you stuck.

A teacher. I teach you how to achieve Happiness & Peace in your life. I teach you how to have the confidence and self-esteem you deserve.

The catalyst that brings out the “Best” in you and helps unleash your potential.

An Inspirer of Truth and personal development.

A Builder of individual freedom.

Why Me?

Today I am offering you the opportunity to transform your life’s setbacks into your greatest comeback with a coach who has walked the path from total devastation – financial and emotional – to a level of spiritual wealth desired by all, but only attained by few. My Transformative Resilience Coaching program combines over a decade of hard-won wisdom with practical strategies, empowering you to unlock your inner potential and achieve the lasting personal and professional success you are longing and looking for.

After 30 years of working with business owners and hundreds of employees and people in general, despite my more than a decade of being ‘off the grid’ and ‘bouncing back’, through my passion of helping others excel in what they do, I am considered an “Expert” in my field – Leadership with an influence of Spirituality. I bring a unique blend of practical leadership insights and profound spiritual wisdom to help individuals like you unlock your fullest potential and lead a more fulfilling life. Here’s what’s in it for you:

  • Holistic Approach: My coaching & mentoring goes beyond traditional leadership training by integrating spiritual principles, mindfulness practices, and personal growth techniques. This holistic approach ensures that you not only become a better leader but also cultivate inner peace and fulfillment.
  • Transformational Growth: Through personalized coaching sessions, I guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You’ll uncover limiting beliefs, develop a deeper understanding of your purpose, and learn practical strategies to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
  • Authentic Servant Leadership: I believe that true leadership stems from authenticity, the desire to serve others, and alignment with your core values. By tapping into your spiritual essence and inner wisdom, you’ll learn to lead with authenticity, inspire others, and create positive change in your organization and community.
  • Empowerment and Resilience: My coaching empowers you to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. You’ll cultivate inner strength, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness practices to effectively manage stress, conflicts, and uncertainties in both professional and personal spheres.
  • Lasting Impact: The skills and insights you gain through our coaching sessions extend far beyond the workplace. You’ll experience profound shifts in how you perceive yourself, relate to others, and approach life’s challenges, leading to long-lasting personal and professional fulfillment.

Ultimately, investing in Leadership & Spiritual Coaching with me isn’t just about enhancing your leadership skills—it’s about unlocking your true potential, finding purpose and meaning, and living a life of fulfillment and impact.

My Mission is a Mission of H.O.P.E. – Help One Person Everyday! This world needs better Leaders. It needs Great Leaders! Corruption has infiltrated the highest of offices and the majority of our world leaders are now corrupt! WE NEED CHANGE AT THE TOP! This is your opportunity to step up and become one of those Leaders. My mission is to help as many people as I can that have the desire to develop the skills they want and need as well as to unleash their ‘hidden’ potential to attain and realize their personal goals

The lack of developing your Leadership & Spiritual skills could be the difference between your current ‘job’ status and your dream ‘job’ or promotion. Working with a professional coach/mentor will produce the results you are looking for in up to half the time you’ll spend ‘going it alone’.

If you are looking for:

  • More Confidence and Self-esteem

  • Authenticity and Self-Expression
  • Purpose and Meaning

  • Unleashing your true potential
  • Personal Empowerment – self-leadership & competence

What you can expect: Together we will

  • Build your “Foundation” – identify your core values
  • Create/establish a “Growth Mindset” – abundance vs. scarcity; optimism vs. fear
  • Develop the art of letting go
  • Assess your current strengths and skills
  • Reality check on current ‘life’ status
  • Set short and long term goals – explore all options
  • Develop a plan of action
  • Implement the plan of action
  • Review and adaptation with continuous communication as needed
  • Assess progress, evaluate and adjust actions as agreed upon

Three Questions:

Have you Lived?
Have you Loved?
Have you Laughed?

Life is for LIVING, not just existing… you either get busy living or get busy dying ~ The Shawshank Redemption

Your answer is here, with me. I’m available when you’re available. I don’t give advice unless you ask for it specifically; this is a safe and non-judgmental environment, and chances are very high that I’ve been where you are now. It’s why I do what I do. I help people get their head straight. It’s a must and if we can’t do it on our own, we could use a mentor, objective friend, and coach until we can do it on our own. It’s very simple! and a good strategy for designing a better, more fulfilling life!

There is no expiration date on unleashing your hidden potential

and, there’s no better time than right now, today, to begin! 

So What Does Good Coaching/Mentoring Look Like?

A great coach speeds up your evolution. You get results and attain your goals sooner because you stick to your goals and dreams and don’t get ‘sidetracked’. A coach keeps you committed.

Many people wrongly assume that coaching people is about having all the answers and being the most equipped person in the room. Oddly enough, the very opposite is true.

Many people progress through life, pursuing success. It’s useful to note that success isn’t gauged by wealth or control or social status, it’s measured by discipline, decisiveness, maturity and inner peace.

Our highest calling as human beings is to help people understand how unique each one of us is and that we all have something to create and offer.

Coaching people is about prompting people to reflect on accomplishing things they may not have previously thought possible. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.

The more responsibility we take for our lives and futures, the more empowered we become to take decisive action. The more empowered we are, the more likely we are to inspire positive change in other people.

Good coaching looks like subtly steering people in the direction they already want to travel and helping them take possession of a compelling vision for their future that spurs them to take action.

If you need and desire:

  • Leadership or Self-leadership Training for yourself or for your people or children
  • Clarifying your Purpose
  • Reducing anxiety and stress so you can make better choices
  • Realizing your true POTENTIAL
  • To develop a better version of yourself
  • Not sure what you WANT
  • Develop your Soft Skills

Here are my “Founding Assumptions” 

  1. Unconditional acceptance of all clients – there are no bad intentions; nonjudgmental
  2. Past does NOT = Future
  3. No one is broken
  4. Everything is possible
  5. Empowerment via responsibility
  6. My Goal: Add increase and advancement to your dreams/goals

We learn things in our formative years that stick with us. These are our limiting beliefs, the blocks that hold us back, and sometimes our excuses for not becoming who we should or want to be…

If it’s time to ‘unlearn’ your limiting beliefs, to ‘unclaim’ your baggage, hit the “Request a Call” button at the top of this page.

Thank you!