Know yourself, lead yourself

How would you feel if you could live a life with no fear? When I say “no” fear, I’m referring to needless and unwanted fear. Fear is part of life, but it has its place. so, again, how would you feel if you had no fear about the outcome of today’s meetings; no fear about the outcome of your relationships, business or personal; no fear about the gain or loss of your money!

There’s no better feeling than that inner assurance that everything always works out regardless of how things look now. So, how do you get there? How do you get to the point of such confidence? What needs to happen?

The short answer is Self-Leadership & the right Mindset! Everyone can become a good or great leader if not of others, at least themselves. Stop and think about it a little more. You are already leading yourself every moment of every day by the choices you are making. You may not be very good at it, but you are leading yourself even if you are following someone or something else.

True leadership is learned. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger the more it’s used.

I am a leadership/mindset coach and mentor. I help individuals solve their biggest pains, dysfunctions, and key challenges. If it’s in your business, the result is a “well-oiled machine” that contributes dramatically to the bottom line. If it’s personal, it’s a renewed mindset to move into a higher energy lifestyle.

My mission is to renew the self-leadership qualities (inherent in every individual) in as many people that I meet that are willing to realize their potential for a fulfilled life! My services are available remotely or in-person, one-on-one, or in a group setting. Contact me for an initial interview of your needs. There’s no charge for your initial inquiry – this is a big investment in yourself. A collaboration of efforts between 2 people with the same goals!

The purpose of Life is to live, not to exist in your semi-dead state or through an egoic self-image, but to live as Spirit lives; to be joyous and to increase your joyfulness and the joyfulness in others.

Henry David Thoreau once noted: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

This is sad to hear and is no longer necessary! It’s been over 150 years since he penned those words and yet in our present day there are still so many living in fear and quiet desperation. If this describes you, you are reading this for good reason and maybe someone or something is telling you…”It’s time for this darkness and desperation to be over…!”

I have been there and humbly admit for much too long a time before I took action. If you’ve had enough and feel it’s time to come alive and live the life you feel you were meant to live, scroll to the bottom of this page and tap the “Learn More” button. Your life will never be the same again!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein

So, what does Einstein mean by that comment? It means that there is a Spiritual solution to all of your material problems and the things you worry about every day. Your Spiritual ‘realm’ (we ALL have one…it’s your highest level of energy and flow) is the starting point for finding any solution to any problem you encounter.

In other words, it is turning and looking within yourself. It’s where the answers are and where your power lives. The best direction I’ve seen comes from the best self-help book ever printed – The Holy Bible (this and my mentoring is NOT about religion!) It’s just that the most valuable advice and council comes from the Bible. Every self-help, inspirational book you have ever read has its roots in this one Book.

So, in the worlds of the Master Himself – the starting point of instruction: seek ye first the Kingdom of God! This triggers a higher energy flow; energy that lifts us up above the ‘fray’ which literally dissolves the lower, lethargic energy level that your so called problem wallows and resides in. Wallowing in a low energy field produces no solution, just more of the same problem.

Thus we must change our thinking (our attitude and position) toward what we are facing. You summon your higher Spiritual being with hope and then faith in knowing you are NEVER alone OR separated from your inner man, woman, or child.

You are first and foremost a divine creation, loved unconditionally by God, your Creator and are inseparable from Him…UNLESS and ONLY UNLESS you choose to do so. When you are experiencing low energy and fear, you have separated yourself from your Higher Spiritual self.

You are NOT your ego. Your ego keeps you stuck in the material world. It is constantly defining you by your accomplishments and acquisitions and always criticizing, judging, and prompting you to compare yourself to others. Suppress your ego to ‘second fiddle’ and seek your Spirit within for all solutions!

Take The Course

Here is what you’ll learn…

Self-awareness – how you see yourself & how you see others

Curiosity – stay curious – keep asking “Why”

Vision – You are HERE…Where are you going/where do you want to be?

Decision making – the choices you make are yours to own. Good or bad, any blame is on you.

Balance – keeping your mindset focused and your heart pure

Energy/Performance – keep your energy up & your frequency high through inspirational thinking.

Story/Legacy – What is your “WHY”? How do you want to be remembered?

Regrets/Remembrance – Living without regret.

Doing the “inner work” creates the “outer results”