RESULTS! That’s all you want, right? – that’s my focus for you, your business, and your life!

I’m not talking about advice (unless you specifically ask for it) – I’m talking about getting the results you want…rolling up our sleeves together, analyzing where you are at this moment, deciding and planning the way forward, implementing the way/plan, evaluating the results, and repeating the process… that’s what you pay for – that’s what you get! Call me today to get started!

Above, I mentioned “advice”. You may be looking for advice, which of course I would share with you; but advice is not always what is needed and very seldom does advice lead to lasting change. The results (the change) that you are looking for need to become a part of your being, your everyday thought process – who you are becoming. That’s the foundation of my coaching. It’s helping you to uncover your own answers – what actually works for you in order to fully grasp the power of your learning potential…

Areas of expertise, defining expertise as having more than 10 years of experience in that area…

Mastering Your Soft Skills – Your “Street Smarts” – the things they don’t teach you in school or college

Business Coaching – Executive; Management Development; Marketing Strategies; Leadership; Strategic Planning; Career Development

Personal Development Coaching – Mindset Building/Strengthening; Life Design; Spirituality

Things that are keeping you “stuck”…

Business is “off” and revenue is down

Reinventing your business, getting curious and creative in taking it in a different direction.

Retired but not enough money for a comfortable lifestyle

If we are what we do but we don’t do it anymore, then who are we? What should we do now? How close to “broke” are you. If you “retire” at 65 or 70, you could still live another 20 – 30 years…that’s another career!

Unfulfilled lives

Stuck in Mediocrity – Re-kindling the “Fire” within; Coming Alive; Awakening to the Truth

Education and life-long learning

Education is the hustle for a credential. It exchanges compliance for certification. An institution can educate you.

Learning can’t be done to you. It is a choice and it requires active participation, not simple adherence to metrics.

Learning is the only place to find resilience, possibility and contribution, because learning is a lifelong skill that isn’t domain dependent.

Most of the learning moments in our lives are accidental or random. A situation presents itself and if we’re lucky, we learn something from it.

Personal development and achievement

What are we capable of achieving? Are we growing or are we stagnant? Are we becoming the best version of ourselves? Can we grow out of our limitations and burst forth into newness?

Well-being – mental, spiritual, social, and physical

What is our EQ or EI – Emotional Quotient/intelligence? What part does Spirituality play in your life? Are you lonely? How comfortable are you in your skin around others, small or large groups?

FREE TWEAKS! Yes, Tweaks are FREE! What does this mean? Well, maybe you just need a little Tweak – to your attitude, your perspective at the moment, and how you are feeling and processing your thoughts.

Extraordinary times beg for Extraordinary actions! Let’s TWEAK!