“You will not realize the pinnacle of your potential until you have recognized the inner assurance of doing so!

“Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

“Change the way you see things and the things you see will change.”The only limits you have are the limits you believe.” ~ Wayne Dyer

If your life doesn’t look the way you want it to:

It’s not because you didn’t try hard enough.

It’s not because you’re too negative.

It’s not because you’re a bad person.

It’s not necessarily because of anything you did or didn’t do.

It is your Aliveness and Energy Level and its ability to flow. You’ve heard of athletes being “in the zone”? You yourself have probably experienced being “in the flow”. It’s all about how you feel…about the level of energy you are experiencing at this moment!

So, it’s because your “energy level” is aligned with the story you’ve been telling yourself over and over again. You can call it your story or “self talk”, which can be very negative. Your “energy level” is very low, making you feel lethargic and unmotivated when you are telling yourself a story that is misaligned with your deepest desires. It’s been ‘running’ in the background for so long that you are no longer aware of its presence. You’ve heard it said “you are (or you become) what you think about all day long”. This is a truth about the human condition that has been deemed by many the “Greatest Secret”.

Once convinced of your story – what you’ve been telling yourself – feelings are attached to it, you begin to believe it, and it eventually manifests itself in your reality at which time you find yourself  ‘stuck’, unhappy, and unfulfilled. Your reality has become a nightmare that can be debilitating and depressing!

That’s why all your efforts to change your thoughts, focus on the positive and visualize what you want, haven’t worked for you. You’re stuck on an old frequency like a radio with only one station.

We ALL tell ourselves stories all day, everyday – you’re telling yourself one now. It’s by design and it’s part of the human condition – to protect you from harming yourself.

So what do you do to change your story?

First, start right where you are now with no further self-judgments or self-condemnation. It begins with AWARENESS. Becoming AWARE of the story you’re telling yourself. Once you are tired and fed up with the direction you are going in, you are ‘prime’ for change. It’s time to surrender, to become aware of your situation and begin to notice the story that you’ve been playing like a movie in an endless loop.

This exercise in self-examination will bring to light, the reasons why you have been telling yourself the same old story. As you become aware, you will realize the falsity of the story and you will discard your misconceptions and begin to craft a new story.

Self-esteem and self-confidence also play a role in your story. A negative story can be a result of beliefs such as thinking “I’m not worthy”, “I can’t do that, I’m not good enough”, “I’m too old”, or “I’m a loser”. As you become AWARE of your self-degrading thoughts, it will become evident that they are untrue, hold no water, and no grounds on which to keep them alive. Burn them and Discard them!

You Should be Your Own Best Friend

Think about this…after Jesus proclaimed the first and great commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart… he said “And the second is like unto it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” So, what is He saying here? He is laying claim that you should ‘naturally’ love yourself! Knowing and loving yourself is the necessary starting point in becoming your own best friend. Start NOW to become your own best friend. Stop being your worst critic and enemy…It’s a useless exercise! Knowing and loving yourself will unlock the super power of your Spirit toward making true friendships!

But know this…

You are NOT alone in this endeavor. Not only are there friends and professionals that can and want to help you, there is a silent senior partner within you, a Spirit whose only desire is for you to acknowledge and know of its existence. Everyone is born with a Spirit. It is your ultimate Guide and Shepherd in your Life and to the extend that you recognize and acknowledge it’s existence, power, and effectiveness, you will witness a life of ever-flowing abundance. This is what you can control!

It’s the Spirit of Life, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Beauty, Abundance, etc. Some call it God, some call it the Universe. It doesn’t matter what you call it. It is Life’s greatest Truth and if you are ‘stuck’, it is because you have separated yourself from this inner Spirit.

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book on the subject: “There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem”! If you think about it, when you are connected to the Spirit within you, you are ‘in the flow’ of life and you have no problems, but as soon as you disconnect or separate yourself, your problems reappear and you are alone. It’s a great read and I cannot do justice for it in this short segment.

Briefly, life is driven by energy and the energy level you reside with at any moment determines the level of glorification of the Spirit within you. Being sad, discouraged, frustrated, angry, etc. are the low-energy vibrations where good decisions cannot be made and being happy, enthusiastic, loving and kindness are the high-energy levels where the outcomes of manifestations are good and alive!

We live in two different worlds – the seen and the unseen, the Spiritual world and the Material world, in inner world and the outer world. Looking/going within is ALWAYS the best choice. It is the source of your being, where the answers lay, and the cradle of creativity. the emotion of Love is associated with the energy of the Spiritual world and it’s opposite – fear – only resides in the energy of the material world. When we live or are in the grip of fear, we are separated for our Spiritual source…God.

It’s why Einstein said “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” In other words, the problem was created at the lower energy levels, but the solution will become clear when you connect to your higher energy level – your Spiritual level. That’s where the solution resides!

Take The Course

What if…

You knew the BEST was yet to come? How would you feel?

You knew HOW to could control your destiny?

You knew HOW to stay young until your last breath?

You knew HOW to control your energy and frequency levels?

You knew HOW to have perfect health ’til the end?

You knew HOW to live forever? ( this is not as far-fetched as you may think)


ALL these “What ifs” are POSSIBLE… but not without sacrifice. You will need to do the work…the “inner” work in order to accomplish them!

It’s Scriptural, it’s Spiritual, it’s factually scientifically proven, and unfortunately most of today’s religions are more interested in controlling you than teaching you the “How” at a cellular level.

As I travel around, I observe far too many people – of all ages – behaving more like ‘Zombies’ than energetic humans! I see people in their twenties and thirties with anxiety and stress painfully etched into their faces; people in their forties and fifties touting empty stares of wonderment for lost time and opportunities, and people in their sixties and seventies walking and behaving like they are in their eighties or nineties…stooped over as though they had succumbed to “old age syndrome” with nothing more to live for except sitting around waiting for the end! How sad!

I’m here to tell you (and show you) The Best Is Yet To Come!

It all starts with you! Regardless of your age, but speaking to Seniors…your “senior” years should be your best years. The best is yet to come! You’ve got the wisdom of your life on your side and it’s time to put it to good use! It’s a time to share that wisdom, to re-energize yourself and get back into the game of giving back! If you are now retired, do you feel you’ve lost your identity?

What do you do when you no longer do what you’ve done? 

The last Chapter of your life is about to be written. What do you want that to look like?

What will be your final legacy?

What is left to be accomplished? Is it time to revisit your life-long dream?

Is it time to go from just existing to Consciousness?

Is it time to create a Happy Ending?


Ask yourself…

Have I Lived?

Have I Laughed?

Have I Loved?

There’s still time…it’s not too late!